菁瑛汇, 是由香港资深教学团队与资深大学规划师团队组合而成, 团队成员均在教育行业内深耕十余年, 教学经验, 行业经验均十分丰富。多年来, 菁瑛汇的老师们认为学生潜能是无限的,在引领学生学习成长的过程中,坚持致力于提升学生的科学思辨能力和英语思维, 老师严把教学质量关,结合多年丰富教学经验为每位学生定制个性化的教育方案和学习规划,使得学生能获得最好的成绩。爲求质量,我们深耕英文教学,经过10多年无数的教学实践经验,团队倾注了非常多的心血,研发制作了从零基础到雅思,从小学到大学,一套完整的英文体系课程。未来, 希望菁瑛汇英文体系可以帮助各个地区的孩子们,朋友们。 我们的英文课程适合任何年龄, 任何程度,能有效解决大家任何阶段的英文及升学问题。
CYTA comprises a team of experienced educators and university advisors hailing from Hong Kong, each boasting over a decade of dedicated service in the education sector. Throughout our journey, we firmly believe in the boundless potential of every student. Guiding them towards enlightenment, we prioritize the enhancement of their critical thinking skills.
Our educators uphold stringent standards in teaching, leveraging years of expertise to craft tailored educational programs and learning pathways for each individual. This bespoke approach ensures optimal outcomes for our students.
Tailored to accommodate learners of all ages and proficiency levels, our English courses stand poised to effectively address any linguistic challenges encountered at every stage of learning.